59 results for “uc system

We have found 59 results with the word you searched.

Start Applying for Scholarships Now!

MINIMUM out-of-pocket expense at a UC starts at around $9,000/year regardless of family income. Find resources to help you pay for your UC education.


Berkeley Transfer Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about Berkeley's TRANSFER admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


Why Showing Colleges You Like Them Gets You In (Guest Post)

Guest post from Prompt on how best to "demonstrate interest" and get a leg up in the college admissions process.


Resources for Veterans and Their Dependents

Find resources for veterans and their dependents at CA public colleges (including admissions and tuition/fee waiver information).


(College Admissions) Summer Reading List

My summer reading recommendations, including books on college (UC-specific) admissions, college preparation, developing good study habits, etc.


I GOT IN! Now What? (Freshman & Transfer)

Find out the next steps for freshman and transfer applicants admitted to the UCs (SIR, enrollment to-do list, and advice on how to hit the ground running).


About – Terms & Conditions

AskMsSun.com Terms & Conditions Effective Date: June 1, 2021 Site Covered: askmssun.com THE AGREEMENT: The use of this website and services on this website provided by AskMsSun.com (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) are subject to the following Terms & Conditions (hereinafter the “Agreement”), all parts and sub-parts of which are specifically incorporated by reference here.…


Sharp Decline in California Community College Enrollment

Declining enrollment (up to 20% at some CCCs) means more access to classes now and easier transfer next year (Fall 2022; 11/2021 app deadline)!


How to Access Hidden Content

History I had a run-in with the UCOP in November 2015 (prior to this incident, the UCs have come after me multiple times; see my origin story for my colorful history with the system) and, after consulting with my attorney and my business coach, I decided to implement the following access restrictions to minimize future…
