I GOT IN! Now What? (Freshman & Transfer)

Freshman Checklist
Transfer Checklist
Advice to Help Ease Your Transition

Freshman Checklist

Regularly check the online account at your UC campus and note the various deadlines and required documents you need to submit prior to enrollment. Below is a partial checklist:

  • SIR deadline is Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
  • Some UCs may require you to report any AP exams you skip that were originally stated on the UC Application as planned; check your Provisional Admission Contract or Conditions of Admission to verify (for campuses that require notification, skipping AP exams may have negative consequences, such as cancellation of admission offer; for such campuses, if you are skipping AP exams due to extenuating circumstances, make sure to provide an explanation with your notification).
  • How you will satisfy the systemwide Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) will depend on the UC campus where you intend to enroll. Methods (test scores and grades) by which students may fulfill the ELWR can be found here.
  • Review your Provisional Admission Contract/Conditions of Admission carefully. Any violation of the contract/condition should be reported to the UC campus promptly. Offer an explanation for the violation and how you intend to remedy the situation.
  • Sign up for orientation. Orientation helps you become familiar with the campus environment and gives you the opportunity to obtain advising and enroll in courses.
  • Look into summer/bridge/new student programs you can attend at your UC campus. Most UCs offer some type of program in the summer for incoming students. This will help you get a head start.
  • Official, final transcript from the last high school attended (plus every 2-year and/or 4-year college, non-US high school, and/or online/virtual high school attended, if any) is due at your UC campus on July 1, 2024. All other required documents and exam scores, such as the AP exam scores, must arrive by July 15, 2024. Failure to submit required transcript(s) and documents may result in cancellation of your admission offer (if you expect extended delay in transcript and/or test scores delivery, contact the admissions office and request an extension).

Need more help? Check out the Fall 2024 Next steps from admission to enrollment: First-year (campus-by-campus chart of deadlines and required documents put together by the UCs).

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Transfer Checklist

Regularly check the online account at your UC campus and note the various deadlines and required documents you need to submit prior to enrollment. Below is a partial checklist:

  • SIR deadline is Saturday, June 1, 2024.
  • Review your Provisional Admission Contract/Conditions of Admission carefully. Any violation of the contract/condition should be reported to the UC campus promptly. Offer an explanation for the violation and how you intend to remedy the situation.
  • Sign up for orientation. Orientation helps you become familiar with the campus environment and gives you the opportunity to obtain advising and enroll in courses.
  • Look into summer/bridge/new student programs you can attend at your UC campus. Most UCs offer some type of program in the summer for incoming students. This will help you get a head start.
  • Official, final transcript from every college you attended (some UCs may also request high school transcripts to verify diploma/graduation) is due at your UC campus on July 1, 2024. All other required documents and exam scores, such as the AP exam scores, must arrive by July 15, 2024. Failure to submit required transcript(s) and documents may result in cancellation of your admission offer (if you expect extended delay in transcript and/or test scores delivery, contact the admissions office and request an extension).

Need more help? Check out the Fall 2024 Next steps from admission to enrollment: Transfer (campus-by-campus chart of deadlines and required documents put together by the UCs).

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Advice to Help Ease Your Transition

Follow the advice below to ensure you have a smooth transition:

  • Take the minimum number of required units (usually around 12 or 13 units) your first semester or quarter; UC courses will likely go at a faster pace compared to what you are used to, so give yourself some time to acclimate.
  • Take the time to get to know your roommate/floormate/suitemate and make friends with people in your classes; having a good social network is an important part of your college experience. Explore the different extracurricular activities available to you on and off campus to gain new experiences and expand your network.
  • Show up at your professors’ office hours to talk to them. Learn about the research they are doing or ask questions about the course materials. If you can’t think of anything to say, stick to simple inquiries like 1) recommendations for other reading materials that will help you in your courses (be prepared to actually read whatever the professors recommend so you can have thoughtful discussions of the materials with them the next time you go to office hours), and 2) how to prepare for the midterm or final. Once the professors put your face to your name, you will likely do better in the courses (brownie points for showing up to talk to them during office hours).

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