Scrambling for a Backup Plan?

If you are still searching for backup options for Fall 2024, here are some resources to help you move forward.

California Community Colleges

For high school graduates who are considering community college, follow the steps outlined in my previous post: Freshman Applicants – Backup Plan (Community Colleges).

Gap Year

Maybe going to (or staying at) a community college isn’t for you. Consider taking a gap year and see the world (and enrich your discussion for your UC Application next year). Check the Gap Year Association for general gap year information, gap year planner, list of GYA accredited gap year programs, list of gap year program providers, and gap year financial aid information.

You can also find additional programs through a list compiled by TeenLife. Other opportunities are available through organizations like Student Conservation Association, City Year, AmeriCorps, and Outward Bound. There are also a variety of study abroad and exchange programs available:

“Discounted” Out-of-State Colleges

The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE), a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), allows students of participating western states to attend certain two- or four-year colleges and pay only 150% of the college’s regular resident tuition (instead of nonresident tuition). WICHE member states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date WUE admissions information (including whether the institution is still accepting applications and if financial aid/scholarships are still available), find the colleges you are interested in on the WUE institutions list and contact the admissions office to inquire (click on the institution name and then scroll down to “WUE Contact Info”). You may need to follow special application instructions in order to qualify for WUE consideration. Some WUE colleges may honor AB 540, you will need to contact the college’s admissions office to verify.

Other Colleges

The Regional Admission Counselors of California (RACC) has a list of member colleges that are still accepting applications for Fall 2024 here (scroll down to “SPACE AVAILABILITY REPORT”). The best thing about these colleges is that they want California students! Many also offer merit scholarships to California students (GPA requirements and deadlines vary). Contact the admission counselor on the report to inquire about current space availability.

The National Association for College Admission Counseling has a list of member colleges that are still accepting freshman and transfer applications for Fall 2024 here.

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