56 results for “ucla

We have found 56 results with the word you searched.

About – Short Biography

Ms. Sun’s Short Biography I am a UC admissions expert who has been guiding students to the top UCs, such as UC Berkeley and UCLA, since 2006. I graduated from UC Berkeley, spent a year in a PhD program at UCLA, and completed a college counseling certificate program through UCSD Extension. I created this website…



Secrets of Successful Admission to the University of California Welcome to the best online resource to help you prepare for admission to the University of California campuses Find resources on my website or work with me to gain a competitive advantage for admission to your top choice UC campus. Over the past eight years, my…


Revised UC Policy Regarding Recommendation Letters

What you need to know about the UC "Augmented Review" process (including Berkeley LOR request and Davis/LA/SD Supplemental Questionnaire).


UC Approved Nonresident Enrollment Cap

Before you get too excited, read my explanation below. This is a super crappy deal. The UC press release (May 18, 2017) states that, under the new policy, “nonresident enrollment will be capped at 18 percent.” But for the four campuses that have already exceeded the cap (Berkeley, UCI, UCLA, UCSD),  “nonresident enrollment will be…


Why the UCs are Scrutinizing International Students from China

In March 2015, someone in China anonymously tipped off UC Davis about fake applications (that were doctored by an outfit run by UCLA grads; the irony!). The tip-off (including 200+ documents) was subsequently forwarded to UCOP (which was probably then made available to other UC campuses). This more than likely explains the “optional” interview Berkeley…


7 Hidden Gems in the UC System

Below is a copy of my guest entry, 7 Hidden Gems in the UC System, featured on the AdmitSee’s blog (content below was updated June 22, 2020 to reflect new information). The UC school system consists of 10 campuses, 240,000 students and 20,000 faculty. UC Berkeley and UCLA get a lot of attention as the…
