63 results for “admission update

We have found 63 results with the word you searched.

Berkeley Transfer Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about Berkeley's TRANSFER admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


UC Transfer Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about the UC TRANSFER admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


UCLA Freshman Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about UCLA's FRESHMAN admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


Berkeley Freshman Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about Berkeley's FRESHMAN admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


UC Freshman Admission Update

Find everything you need to know about the UC FRESHMAN admissions process (secrets, tricks, and shortcuts) to gain a competitive advantage!


UC Admissions Policies Update (Freshman and Transfer)

Curious where the UCs hide their admissions policies? No need to play detective! Here are the locations for systemwide & campus-specific admissions policies.


Updated Changes to UC Admissions Requirements (COVID-19)

UC admissions requirements changes for current and future applicants in response to COVID-19.


Admitted Students – Reporting Changes/Declining Admission Offers

Find instructions on how to submit schedule changes/poor grades and learn whether you need to decline admission offers if committing to another college.


UC Transfer Admission Decision Timeline (Preliminary)

Wondering when you will hear from the UCs? Here are the confirmed and guesstimated TRANSFER decision release dates.


UC Freshman Admission Decision Timeline (Preliminary)

Wondering when you will receive UC decisions? Here are the confirmed and guesstimated FRESHMAN decision release dates.

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