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Ms. Sun's Blog
Live Updates from CSU Community College Counselor Conference
Check for the latest transfer admission updates from the CSU Community College Counselor Conference on my Instagram.
September 23, 2024Google is Trying to Put Me Out of Business
If you are a Gmail or G Suite user, you are likely not getting my emails or blog updates because Google has blocked my domain.
September 22, 2024Boost Your Academic Rigor with Online High School Courses This Fall!
Need an extra AP class? School canceled classes on you? Find out how to boost the rigor of your schedule with online AP/Honors courses.
September 21, 2024UC Freshman Admissions 101
A crash course on how the UCs review freshman applications (what UCs say they want to see, what the process involves, & how you should respond as an applicant).
September 19, 2024Find Other Test-Optional/Free Colleges!
Since the UCs are test-free, consider applying to other test-optional/free colleges and stop stressing out about the ACT/SAT!
September 16, 2024What a Great Recommendation Letter Should Look Like
Find out what you should do to ensure your teacher/counselor writes a great recommendation letter, and see an excellent recommendation letter example.
September 13, 2024Grammar and Spelling Mistakes are Acceptable on the UC Application and Personal Insight Questions?
Find an explanation for what the UCs mean by grammar and spelling mistakes in the Personal Insight Questions don’t count against the students.
September 11, 2024How to “Show, Don’t Tell”
Find out how, exactly, you should “show, don’t tell” in your UC Personal Insight Questions (with a handy checklist!).
September 10, 2024How to Show Demonstrated Interest & Why It Gets You Into Colleges (Guest Post)
Guest post from Prompt on how best to “demonstrate interest” and get a leg up in the college admissions process.
September 9, 2024Live Updates from UC Ensuring Transfer Success
Check for the latest transfer admission updates from the UC Ensuring Transfer Success on my Instagram.
September 4, 2024
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